Universal Community Safety Protocol

We Back the Blue, and you can too.

The Samaritan Program is an innovative, first-of-its-kind, comprehensive, nationwide vetting, training, testing, and certification protocol for individuals who desire to be a force for good, so they can help save lives.

The Samaritan Program establishes a voluntary uniform standard which respects the concerns of the community, while considering the demands on, and capabilities of law enforcement, in order to enhance community safety.

The Samaritan Program is the only basic life-saving skills standard for gun owners, concealed carry permit holders, off-duty law enforcement, constitutional carry adherents, and others wanting to be an asset to their community.

The Samaritan Program logo symbolism: the shield represents protection, the black side represents darkness or evil, the blue side represents law enforcement or law and order, the sword represents the fight of good versus evil, and the caduceus, or winged snakes, represent medical care.

Save Lives

At any time of the day or night, no matter where we are, incidents can occur which force us to decide whether we will be an asset or a liability to our communities. Assets save lives, liabilities don’t.

Be an asset. Save lives.

Overcome Threats

Threats can be overt or covert, overwhelming or unassuming. We must learn to identify, understand, and mitigate threats, whether they are caused by Mother Nature, or evildoers.

Act. Help. Overcome threats. 

Protect Others

Self-preservation is an innate and powerful inclination, but it’s not necessarily the most appropriate impulse in every scenario. We must act because the lives of others matter.

Be selfless. Protect others.

What is a Samaritan?

The Samaritan Program is a nationwide, standardized program that vets, educates, and equips volunteers, empowering them to more adequately deal with violent and other life-threatening encounters, enhancing their ability to collaborate, communicate, and interact with comparably trained civilians, as well as law enforcement and other first responders, so that together we can save more lives.

The Three Phases of Samaritan Support


Effective communication is the key to determining whether a dangerous encounter will likely end up with a positive outcome, or result in disaster. If we don’t properly identify ourselves and our intentions, things can rapidly devolve into chaos.

Stop Violence…

Even if police are called at the onset of a dangerous situation officers often arrive too late to help. Cops can’t be everywhere at all times. We must act to defend ourselves, and others. Proper intervention by properly trained civilians saves lives.

Render Aid…

Active shootings, animal attacks, violent crimes, and accidents can all result in potentially life-threatening injuries requiring immediate medical care by trained individuals with the tools to reduce or stop blood loss and other exigencies.

The Current State of Affairs:

Interested? Curious? Drop us a line.

Is the Samaritan Program right for you, or are you unsure?

Just drop us a line and we’d be happy to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Video Presentation:


“Plan for what it is difficult while it is easy, do what is great while it is small.”

Sun Tsu